The Candy Hogfish also known as the Two Spot Hogfish is one of the few reef safe members of its family. Hogfish are actually wrasses, but because they differ in appearance to some degree they are commonly called hogfish. I think it has to do with their gluttonous appetite, although mine has proven to be a lil picky.
I first saw the Candy Hogfish at Fist Store and More down in buckhead in their cylindrical display tank. It just stood out to me, I loved how it was constantly on the move and its bright yellow coloration with twin spots and red stripes really made the fish pop. This tank was filled with beautiful fairy wrasses and many other gorgeous fish, but this one in particular really caught my eye...
It's no secret that I love fish from the wrasse family. Something about how they move so effortlessly with their torpedo shaped bodies in conjunction with the most brilliant of colorations in the fish world... they simply mesmerize me. Most people have trouble with wrasses as jumpers. To be honest I have lost two wrasses from jumping. With the current trend of open top tanks, wrasses often meet their demise far too soon. On a side note, it saddens me when a fish passes away, to think that this lil guy traveled half way around the world to die in one's living room and to be flushed away is just a shame. Dont' they deserve better than that? That being said, I used to bury my fish... that is until I saw the ants digging up the corpses. Now it seems more respectful to flush them with a few kind words. Sometimes we light candles...
Anyways, I now have a tight fitting canopy that I find to be wrasse-proof. It's consequently eel-proof too!